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Poetry Magnum Opus

Thirteen sleepless nights- part one


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I knocked on his door
But I had only a response of silence.
I knocked again and again in soft manner
But I was faced with only the muted wood.
I knocked again only stouter
Till I felt little burn in my fist,
And then sensed a shudder
and echoing laughter,
I looked at my palm and beheld
a dark spot with red edges,
Suddenly the pine creaked, the eyed knob spun and
There a whole of darkness.
I treaded with my left foot
Entering his house as I should,

And there he were sitting before his hearth
Pondering at his embers
Then said without sluing or looking
" speak my child"
"What business hast thou with me?"

I replied with most defeated crier:

"I adjure thee master
I wish prosperity, prominent name and life full
of mirth and gladdening laughter"

"And dreams and reveries to be groped by my hands
And seen by my weary eyes"

"And I would give, I would give
My soul's entire income and all it weigheth of price
To thy grace "

He remained dwelling in silence
He seemed not breathing
Or not needing so.

And still with no stirring a thumb or
a wink of an eye
He demurely said:
"For what reasons would I crave thy soul
And thou art most tormented
With thy heart throbbing below
Thy feet in so much sorrow"

"Why would I heed thy dreams and wishes!
Who had acquainted thee that thy spirit hath
The heft of coins!"

"My child thy deity had sealed the inferno's gate
And I no more could harvest a soul."

"Thy wishes thine own possession
Cease thy petition
Thou need not my succour
Seize thy most fierce toil and travail
And let no walking mortal nor eternal being
Obstruct thy path"

"Wrench thy dreams out of thy pupils
And clutch to them with thy teeth."
"Or bewail and entomb thy head in
Most irritating brine and breathe not
Ever again, my child."

"Master...... but master....." said I with so frail and
Fainting voice
"Farewell my child, farewell."

The last of his words,
And the ground begun to tremble and the roof
Drew dark lines and leaked black cement then splintered.....

Then everything collapsed.

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