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A wrestling match in rhyme


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In the grand arena, the spotlight did gleam,  
Charmaine Parcero prepared for her dream.  
In a shimmering ring jacket, she stood with flair,  
Her presence enchanting, a vision so rare.

With a determined look, she tossed her jacket aside,  
Revealing her leotard, a gleaming blue tide.  
It hugged her petite frame, sequins glittering bright,  
Reflecting the lights, a dazzling sight.

Charmaine climbed the ropes, her bare feet gripping tight,  
The ring ropes felt rough, but her spirit was light.  
She steadied herself, her toes tingling with feel,  
As she prepared for her routine, her moves to reveal.

She ran towards the ropes, her feet a blur of grace,  
Bouncing off them lightly, a smile on her face.  
With a powerful push, she sprang from the canvas,  
Her body twirling, a gymnast’s finesse.

Performing front handsprings, she soared with ease,  
Each bounce off the ropes was a dance in the breeze.  
She rebounded from the canvas, her form precise,  
Leaping and turning, a sight to entice.

As Charmaine landed lightly, the crowd’s cheers did swell,  
But the moment soon shifted, as a new presence fell.  
The lights dimmed, the air grew still,  
The giant’s entrance commanded with an imposing thrill.

The giant appeared, his frame a daunting sight,  
His mask was dark and twisted, evoking fright.  
His outfit was tattered, trunks worn and frayed,  
His boots were heavy, and his demeanor portrayed.

He stood with a blank gaze, a hint of confusion in his eyes,  
The manager beside him, dressed in gold, had a calculating guise.  
Though the giant’s demeanor seemed calm and slow,  
His imposing bulk was enough to cause woe.

Charmaine’s heart sank as she saw the giant’s frame,  
Her confidence wavered, her spirits did wane.  
She knew this would be tough, facing such a behemoth,  
Her earlier cheerfulness now seemed like a misfit.

The bell rang, the match began with a start,  
Charmaine tried to summon her courage, to play her part.  
She danced forward, her moves with precision and flair,  
But the giant stood still, unmoved by her air.

Charmaine launched into action with punches and kicks,  
Her strikes aimed with precision, her movements quick.  
She punched at his chest and kicked at his shins,  
But the giant remained unmoved, her efforts seemed thin.

She spun and leaped, performing front handsprings,  
Bouncing off the ropes, her feet in graceful rings.  
She threw herself at him, with a determined shout,  
But ricocheted off him, her attacks without clout.

Frustration surged as Charmaine tried again,  
Her feet hit the ropes, her actions a strain.  
She bounced off the canvas, her body in flight,  
But each rebound met resistance, her strength took flight.

Desperation grew, and Charmaine tried to flee,  
Her bare feet pounded quickly, seeking reprieve.  
But the giant reached out with a firm, vice-like hold,  
Grabbing her by the neck, his grip cruel and bold.

He yanked her back towards him, her escape was denied,  
Her face was forced down, her struggle intensified.  
With a sudden, harsh shove, he drove her to the mat,  
Face-first she crashed, a resounding splat.

The giant knelt above her, his knee pressing down,  
Each slam of her face left her weaker, her cries drowned.  
Charmaine’s attempts to resist grew faint and weak,  
As the giant’s weight and force left her unable to speak.

With a final wrench, he pulled her to her knees,  
His fingers locked in a nerve-hold with ease.  
Charmaine gasped as the pressure did swell,  
Her vision blurred quickly, her strength did quell.

The referee watched, unmoving, the count did not start,  
As Charmaine’s battle waned, her fight fell apart.  
In the ring where her dreams had faltered and waned,  
The giant stood victorious, while Charmaine remained pained.

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