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Maria Pascua vs. Carmella


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In the vibrant arena, where cheers arise,  
And lights blaze forth in fierce, unyielding rays,  
Maria Pascua steps into the ring,  
Her small frame poised with spirit fierce and bright.  
At five foot two, her presence seems a spark  
Amidst the giants of this brutal sport.  
Her bare feet touch the canvas, strong and sure,  
A light jacket draped upon her shoulders,  
A symbol of the pride she holds within.  

She flashes a badge to the eager crowd,  
A token of her past as one who served,  
In the Philippine National Police,  
Her stance a blend of grace and steely will.  
The badge, a sign of courage, gleams with pride,  
As she smiles to the fans, her spirit bright.  

Then Carmella strides with confident grace,  
Her attire a blend of sleek and bold finesse.  
Her top, a gleaming black with gold accents,  
Catches every glint of the bright arena lights,  
With a deep cut that shows off her toned physique.  
Her shorts match in black, with a gold waistband,  
While her knee-high boots, glossy black with gold laces,  
Complete the look of fierce and glamorous might.  

As the bell rings clear, the clash of wills begins,  
Maria sheds her jacket with a swift move,  
Revealing a green polka-dot swimsuit tight,  
Its pattern bold against her darker shorts.  
The crowd erupts as both prepare to test,  
Their strength and skill in this grand wrestling bout.  

Carmella advances with a fierce intent,  
But Maria’s speed and nimbleness surprise.  
She ducks a punch and counters with a kick,  
Her foot swift and precise, it finds its mark.  
“Nice try, but you’ll have to do much more!”  
Carmella taunts, her voice a scathing line.  

Maria replies with a grin and a shout,  
“You’re not getting away so easily!”  
She grabs Carmella’s arm and twists it round,  
A hold designed to force her to relent.  
But Carmella wriggles free with deft escape,  
And delivers a swift blow to Maria’s side.  

“Ugh!” Maria gasps, her breath a sharp intake,  
But she regains her stance with fierce resolve.  
They trade blows, each move a careful dance,  
Carmella’s strength against Maria’s skill,  
The crowd enthralled by every strike and block.  

Maria feints and ducks, then sweeps with grace,  
A low kick that sends Carmella to the mat.  
“Not bad,” Carmella scoffs, rising with ease,  
“But I’m just getting started. Let’s see what you’ve got.”  

Maria’s eyes narrow, her focus sharp,  
She moves with the precision of her craft,  
Her training with the force of law in mind.  
She grabs Carmella’s head and pulls her in,  
A well-timed move that catches her off guard.  
She flips Carmella onto her back with skill,  

But Carmella’s eyes narrow as she rises,  
Her determination and fire ablaze.  
With a sudden surge, she retaliates hard,  
Landing a powerful forearm smash to Maria’s face.  

Maria stumbles, her footing unsteady,  
But before she can recover, Carmella strikes,  
A sharp kick that sends her crashing to the mat,  
The crowd's excitement roaring with each hit.  
Maria tries to get up, but Carmella’s quick,  
She delivers another punch to her ribs.  

Maria gasps, her breath a strained, sharp noise,  
She manages to rise, but barely stands,  
As Carmella grabs her by the back of her neck,  
Lifting her with a grip that’s firm and tight.  
With a sharp jerk, she hoists Maria high,  
Her feet lifting from the mat as she’s thrown  
Against the ropes with brutal, forceful throw.  

As Maria rebounds, Carmella is ready,  
Catching her mid-air with a shoulder tackle.  
The impact leaves Maria reeling, breathless,  
Her body slamming hard against the canvas.  
Carmella, relentless, mounts her with a smirk,  
Delivers a series of sharp, precise blows.  
“Had enough?” she taunts with a mocking smile.  

Maria’s spirit wavers, but she fights on,  
She scrambles to her feet, her resolve unshaken,  
Attempting a comeback, she kicks out wildly,  
Yet Carmella dodges with a fluid grace.  
She captures Maria’s leg and spins her round,  
Slamming her to the mat with a crisp snap.  

“Get up! Come on!” Carmella shouts with glee,  
Maria’s face contorts, but she tries to rise,  
Her body trembling, her energy spent.  
Yet Carmella’s strength is a relentless storm,  
She lifts Maria into a high suplex,  
The impact stunning, leaving Maria dazed.  

The crowd’s excitement builds with each new blow,  
As Carmella drags Maria to the center,  
She lifts her by the back of her neck,  
The hold tight and unforgiving.  
With a swift shove, she sends Maria crashing  
Into the ropes, her body hitting hard.  

Maria rebounds weakly, her face a mask of pain,  
Carmella charges in with another strike,  
Her foot connecting with a solid thud.  
Maria is knocked down once more, her cries  
Of pain mingling with the crowd’s intense roars.  

With every knockdown, Maria struggles more,  
Her breaths ragged, her strength sapped away.  
Carmella, with a grim determination,  
Grabs Maria and flips her onto her stomach,  
The move precise, her grip unrelenting.  

She locks in the Code of Silence with a practiced ease,  
Maria’s face contorts in sharp distress,  
As the pressure mounts, her cries a desperate plea.  

“Ah! OW! No!” Maria cries, her voice a wail,  
Her breath comes in ragged, pained gasps.  
Carmella’s hold is tight, her resolve firm,  
As every twist and turn increases the pain.  

“I give up! I give up!” Maria screams aloud,  
Her voice a cry for mercy, fierce and raw.  
Carmella releases her with a final twist,  
The crowd erupts in cheers, their voices loud.  

Maria, defeated, lies upon the mat,  
Her spirit worn, her body aching sore.  
As Carmella stands victorious and proud,  
Maria is helped up by the referees,  
Her face a mask of pain and stoic grace.  

She bows to the crowd with a brave, pained smile,  
Her badge a symbol of her courage true.  
Carmella, victorious, takes her bow,  
Her strength and skill a testament to might.  
In the ring, they’ve fought a fierce and worthy bout,  
And in the end, respect and honor reign.

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