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Poetry Magnum Opus

Another Ekphrastic Poem


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In a realm of quiet, where shadows lie,
A warrior kneels, beneath the sky.
Her head bowed low, her spirit worn,
In silent struggle, her soul reborn.

She clutches a staff, a symbol of might,
Yet on this day, it anchors her fight.
In white and black, her colors show,
A flag of pride, a strength she'll know.

Above her hover rings of green,
Mysterious circles, in silent sheen.
They loom, they circle, in silent jest,
A challenge laid, a hero's test.

Her eyes are closed, her heart is clear,
She faces them without a fear.
Though weary now, her spirit bright,
In darkness, she will find her light.

Oh, girl of strength, in silent plea,
Your courage vast, your will set free.
In this arena, where shadows blend,
Your story's arc will never end.

The green rings cast their gaze,
But you will rise, through all the haze.
With staff in hand, and heart so true,
The future's light belongs to you.

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