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A Mortal Kombat Tale - Told in Rhyme


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In the realm where worlds collide, 

Warriors gather, none can hide. 

From distant stars and ancient sands, 

Two champions meet, fate in their hands.


Serket, the scorpion queen of might, 

Her barbs and venom bring great fright. 

Sailor Mars, with fire's embrace, 

A guardian fierce, with resolve and grace.



"From desert's breath, where scorpions reign, 

I challenge you, let's end this game. 

Your fire may burn, but can it outlast, 

The sting of my tail, striking fast?"


**Sailor Mars:**

"From Mars, the planet of war and flame, 

I stand my ground, I'll win this game. 

Your venom and claws, I do not fear, 

For justice and love, I am here."


In the Mortal Kombat arena vast, 

They faced each other, ready at last. 

The crowd roared loud, the stage was set, 

Two powerful fighters, their fate had met.



"Round One: Fight!"


With a battle cry, they began to fight, 

Each move precise, with all their might. 

Serket lunged with claws so keen, 

Sailor Mars countered, fiery sheen.


Mars summoned flames, a searing wave, 

But Serket dodged, her movements grave. 

With a flick of her tail, a barb did fly, 

Aimed at Mars, quick as a sigh.


The barb found its mark, a painful sting, 

Sailor Mars winced, feeling the zing. 

It struck her butt, the pain intense, 

Yet she stood firm, her defense immense.


**Sailor Mars:**

"You'll need more than that to bring me down, 

I'll rise again, and claim the crown."


Serket smirked, her eyes agleam, 

Summoning power, a wicked scheme. 

From the ground, a scorpion grand, 

Emerged to fight at Serket's command.


Its pincers snapped, its tail did sway, 

It charged at Mars, without delay. 

It grabbed her ankles, held her tight, 

Sailor Mars struggled with all her might.


**Sailor Mars:**

"Release me now, you creature vile, 

I'll not be trapped by your cruel guile."


Her shoes slipped off in the scuffle, 

Barefoot now, she tried to shuffle. 

But the scorpion's grip was firm and strong, 

Holding her fast, for far too long.


With a determined cry, Mars called her fire, 

Flames engulfed her legs, rising higher. 

The heat was intense, the scorpion released, 

Its grip was broken, its hold had ceased.


Freed from the grasp, Mars took her stance, 

Her eyes ablaze, ready to advance. 

She launched a series of fiery rings, 

Each one targeted, each one stings.


Serket dodged and weaved with grace, 

Countering with swipes, keeping pace. 

She unleashed venomous strikes, swift and sly, 

Mars deflected, fire in her eye.


Sailor Mars summoned a wall of flame, 

A blazing barrier, none could tame. 

Serket leapt through, with agile might, 

Her claws flashing, seeking to fight.


Mars spun around, her legs ablaze, 

A flaming kick in a fierce display. 

She struck Serket, the impact strong, 

But the scorpion queen would not prolong.


Serket retaliated, her tail a whip, 

Catching Mars with a powerful clip. 

Mars stumbled back, but held her ground, 

Her fiery spirit, forever unbound.


In a final move, Mars called her power, 

"Burning Mandala," her finest hour. 

Rings of fire spiraled around, 

Striking Serket, forcing her down.



"Round One: Sailor Mars Wins!"



"Round Two: Fight!"


Serket, though hurt, refused to yield, 

She rose again, her power revealed. 

With a roar, she summoned a storm, 

Of scorpions, their form was born.


They swarmed around Mars, pincers tight, 

Holding her ankles, a daunting sight. 

But Mars's will, like fire, burned bright, 

She unleashed her power, with all her might.


**Sailor Mars:**

"I won't be held by this cruel fate, 

My fire's strength will decimate!"


With a fiery blast, she broke free, 

Scorpions scattered, like leaves from a tree. 

She stood tall, her spirit aflame, 

But Serket's resolve was still the same.


Serket called forth a venomous rain, 

Poisonous droplets, a deadly bane. 

Mars tried to dodge, but some hit their mark, 

Weakening her, dimming her spark.


Serket struck with precision and grace, 

A flurry of blows, a relentless pace. 

Mars fought back, but her strength was waning, 

Serket's attacks were ever-gaining.



"Round Two: Serket Wins!"



"Round Three: Fight!"


With a determined cry, they clashed once more, 

Both fighters weary, their bodies sore. 

Mars summoned flames, a final burst, 

But Serket's strategy was well-rehearsed.


She dodged the fire with nimble grace, 

Striking Mars with venom's embrace. 

Mars faltered, her vision blurred, 

Serket's victory, now assured.


Serket's tail struck fast, a decisive blow, 

Mars hit the ground, the end of the show. 

The crowd roared loud, the fight was done, 

Serket had won, her battle won.



"Finish her!"


Serket stood over Mars, poised to end, 

But instead, she chose to extend. 

A gesture of friendship, kind and warm, 

Amidst the chaos, a gentle storm.


She called forth a scorpion, gentle and grand, 

A symbol of peace, not a command. 

The scorpion approached with cautious grace, 

Offering Mars a friendly embrace.



"Your spirit is fierce, your heart is true, 

I'll not destroy what burns in you. 

Instead of death, I'll offer a hand, 

For friendship's strength, let us stand."


Mars, though wary, saw the truth, 

In Serket's eyes, no trace of ruth. 

She accepted the gesture, a bond was formed, 

In the heat of battle, a friendship was born.





In the Mortal Kombat arena's clash, 

A tale of kindness emerged from the ash. 

For even in the fiercest fight, 

A spark of friendship can ignite.


And so in the realm where warriors tread, 

A tale of respect and peace was spread. 

For even in battle, hearts can find, 

A bond of friends

hip, a tie that binds.



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