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Poetry Magnum Opus

A milky-eyed mourning dove


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A milky-eyed mourning dove
Sat upon a tombstone - tacit -
Inside the grounds of St. Francis
To admire a cache betroved.

A sentinel's duty - it bears -
Not broken by a morning beam -
Even the shuffle of the wind
Could not disturb the atmosphere.

The dove - it eyed me peacefully - 
Let out a feathered sigh.
I felt it - walking on by - 
That blessed serenity.

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James Albert Barr

I'll second that "Lovely". Also, "Let out a feathered sigh" is a great line, and wonderfully delicate observation.  

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David W. Parsley

Amy, the dove brings a Holy Ghost like presence to the poem that is genuine and touching.

 - David

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