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Thanks for the input Judi. Many are the times I read a poem or story over and over to look for even the smallest mistakes. Being as I know the story or poem quite well by critiquing it many times, I find I can read  right over these smallest of mistakes. That's why I feel honored that a reader takes time to point out these "Blips", as I call them. Also... I do realize I over use commas. I have to be more observing of this mistake. Thanks again.

 R. G. Jerore

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Judi... A short comment to assure you I took your critiquing to heart. I forced myself to take time to re-read Cries in the Wilderness over again and again. There were many commas removed, and punctuation added. In some instances I rewrote to eliminate unnecessary commas. This is one of my favorite reads.  When not writing I spend much time illustrating.

thanks for the input. R.G.Jerore


42 Ford Cp4.gif

Junk Yard.gif

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Oh look at those illustrations.  AWESOME.  

I'm glad I could help.  Sometimes it just takes an objective reader to see things.


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