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Answers to Unasked Questions



Many questions I have wanted to ask and instead of going to Administrators, I have been reading the back log of old posts.

It is time consuming, but I have enjoyed reading the thoughts, feelings, and words of comfort not concerning myself, but to other writers 

whose lives have had as many, if not more, "ups and downs" than an elevator. I'll poke my nose in wherever and make comments...

even though many years have since past. I realize by doing so, these old posts come to the forefront again. There are a few writers 

now gone from this site, I would like to have known. Hopefully, if I'm around here long enough, I will say I made friends of others 

still active.

I do want to start an Archive section of my poetry long since posted starting in 2015. I realize there may be some redundancy of what I am posting currently.

I will also state, I have a habit of reworking poetry as far back as when I started writing in 1998. Bare with me if you come across some of them.




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This is great that you are doing this Yarnspinner.   It is true there are some wonderful poets that have left us but they are not forgotten.   Some we know their fate.  Frank Gibbard and  Victor have passed but they leave behind their heart in their works posted here.  Some have mysteriously vanished, Dedalus for one.  I've searched on the internet but can't find him anywhere.  Golden Langur is another one I really miss.  We share a birthday.  Happy Birthday to you Golden Langur.  

There are so many but snooping around and reading random stuff sounds fun.  I might just join you.  



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... There are a few writers now gone from this site, I would like to have known ...

While some sites do, I generally do not "prune" (i.e. delete) inactive members or topics. You could try reaching out to any member using the private conversation feature. The inactive member might receive an email notification of your private message.


5 hours ago, Tinker said:

... Some have mysteriously vanished, Dedalus for one.  I've searched on the internet but can't find him anywhere ...

Completely vanished from the online world -- that's not a good a sign. While I wouldn't include someone without actually knowing, perhaps an "in memoriam" topic or forum would be in order ...

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We could do a "in memoriam" but you are right we have to be sure.    I've reached out to a few and have been unsuccessful but that doesn't mean they have died.   Dedalus and Waxwings are two I've tried to reach without success.   Waxwings would be in his 90s now, but Dedalus was much younger.  But he did have that terrible accident in which he was almost killed and his writing started to slow down after almost a year absence.  I hope he is OK.  Isn't it funny how you can care about people you have never met or spoken to.  Only read their poems and comments.


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I miss those days, but a great deal has changed over the years. Yes I miss them when you speak there names. Maybe instead of in-memoriam, we should create a "Speak Their Names section' To remember them by and call them back if around.


Dr. Con 

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