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Poetry Magnum Opus

PMO Members' Promotional Blog

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Lothlorien Poetry Journal - What the Future Dares

David W. Parsley


A longtime favorite on PMO, this poem has been updated (slightly) and recently accepted by Lothlorien Poetry Journal:

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: One Poem by David Parsley

I know the holiday season is a busy one, but it seemed like folks would want to know about this.  Here is an excerpt from the feedback I received from LPJ editor, Mark "Strider" Jones:

"Thank you for sending me this fascinating poem. It is a pleasure to read your poetry again and I have now published your sublime poem “What the Future Dares” on the LPJ Blog. I like your originality of voice, sensitive handling of subject, style, and imagery in this poem..."

Original text and commentary on PMO may be found here:


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David W. Parsley


Yes, this was a long stretch of absence from PMO.  Very eventful summer and autumn: torn labrum in my left hip really went off the rails, requiring corrective surgery; at the same time we were buying a retirement house in southern Utah and moving there; not to mention we also needed an apartment in Pasadena so I could continue working at JPL for another year or so.  Exhausting.  I was supposed to release many more poems into the wild in September and October, but it just didn't work out.

Thanks for the warm welcome, Barry.  I have definitely missed everyone, need to get back into the swing.

- David

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