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Poetry Magnum Opus

PMO Members' Promotional Blog

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  • badger11 107
  • David W. Parsley 9
  • Terry L shuff 5
  • MrDunnePoetry 3
  • tonyv 1
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Amethyst Review

David W. Parsley


It sure is nice of Phil to find all these online literary magazines.  It sometimes feels like i am just following his breadcrumbs.  This is the third one that I know about only because Badger has a poem appearing there.  I am particularly grateful for this one.  I find the work published there to be of particular relevance and reward.

Here is one that appeared there over two weeks ago:

Trumpet Morning – a poem by David W. Parsley – Amethyst Review (amethystmagazine.org)

 - Dave

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Lovely Dave. You picture a sky and beyond. 'a weave of trembling chalices' is marvelous.

I will start listing publications on the blog I have far more rejections than acceptances!

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